4 Points For 4 Points

Has this week been brutal on anybody else?  Between the time change and distractions I have not been getting enough sleep.  The weekend can’t get here fast enough.  But with all that said, this has been an incredible week for 4 Points.  We have so many exciting things coming down the pipe and we can’t wait to share it with you guys!  Here are a few tidbits:

1.  This Sundays message is going to be INCREDIBLE!  The current series “That’s What HE Said” continues with “I Thirst”.  Pastor Mark is going to be sharing some great information that many of you have probably never heard about this statement that Jesus made.

2.  We are making arrangements to have a baptism service really soon.  Look for details next week.  If you would like to be baptized, stop by Guest Services this Sunday.

3.  Continue to pray about our future location.  We have made an offer and received a counter on the place we feel God is leading us.  If it is HIS will a deal will work out soon.

4.  “Breaking Dawn” – It’s not just a movie about silly werewolves and vampires.  What does that mean you ask?  Find out this Sunday!

We love you guys so much.  Thank you for making our church AWESOME!  God has BIG things in store!



4 Points For 4 Points

What a blessing this week has been!  Another amazing morning at 4 Points this past Sunday.  A good group went through our Partnership Class, we have several people ready to be baptized, an awesome message, and great worship.  All that topped off by the birth of Haston Pangel to Pastor Mark and Leah Monday morning.  I’m sure you all have seen the beautiful pictures on facebook.

A few quick thoughts:

1.  On Thursday some of your leadership team from 4 Points will be attending the “Unleash” conference.  Pray that our hearts and minds will be opened to what God wants us to hear and learn from these sessions.

2.  We will not have a Partnership Class in April – the next one will be May 6th.  Sign up at Guest Services if you are interested.

3.  Our Easter Worship service is going to be called “Breaking Dawn”.  We will be equipping you with invite mailers and cards real soon.

4.  I encourage everyone to be get plugged into a small group of some kind.  It is an incredible time of community combined with God’s Word.  There are men’s and women’s only as well as a coed group.  The youth even have their own group that is meeting every other Thursday.  Visit Guest Services or www.4points.org for more information.

You guy are awesome!  We now have 127 “Likes” on our facebook page as of this writing.  If you haven’t done so already, please do!

See you Sunday!
