Day 2

What an incredible day!!!  We went to church this morning at what equals First Baptist Masaya, the official name was Primera Iglesia Bautista Emmanuel.  There were probably around 1300 people in attendence.  Even though we couldnt understand a word they were saying, we were still touched by the Holy Ghost.  We sang familiar hymns in spanish as well as some other praise and worship songs.  It was so neat to see the Nicaraguan people raising their hands in worship to the same God we worship at home.  It was the churches 93rd anniversary and they had around 20 people get baptized and we also took communion (wink face).  Lamars friend Marco also came to church after Lamar invited him!  How cool is that.

In the afternoon we went to check out the first barrio we will be working in called Paradise.  The level of poverty and living situation was truly humbling.  I have seen situations similar before but never interacted with the people.  They are so content!  They are satisfied with what they have and do not whine and complain because they do not have more.  How often do we complain when our favorite store doesnt have a pair of shoes in our size or when out to dinner our food isnt cooked to perfection?

We start early tomorrow morning building the first school, VBS, door to door, and sports camps.  The work is going to be tough, but Jesus said the road wasnt easy. 

I cant explain to you how awesome this trip is and we have not laid the first brick.  God is showing me things and leading me down uncomfortable paths but the more I say yes, the more I am blessed.  I cant wait to see what the next day holds!

Everyone is still doing fine and sends their love home. 

Till tomorrow,

Josh Pallie


We Have Arrived!

Well I have been awake since 8 am Friday morning other than a quick nap Friday evening and a 30 minute nap on the first plane.  But that doesnt matter, we have arrived in Nic safely and it is awesome.  There were no major issues getting here other than a few people had to overcome their fear of flying.  We have gotten our assignements and we will begin Monday morning building schools, latrines, sharing the gospel, and playing sports.  Sunday morning we are going to attend a large church!  The weather, terrain, and living situation here reminds me alot of Belize.  I am told I have not seen the poorest areas yet, so I will describe it more in detail Moday night.  But the Lord has great plans for us and it is going to be awesome!  I wish more of you could be here with us.  Everyone says hi to their loved ones.  Till next time.

Josh Pallie