Four Things For 4 Pointers

Well we are a month into 2012, can you believe it?  It is amazing how much faster time moves the older you get.  January was a great month for me.  I turned 30 (thank you family, friends, and of course Jennie for a great time), got to go to Louisville and visit dear friends, booked my next cruise, and have had some great meetings with the 4 Points team.  The Lord has really blessed me and I am so grateful for the people that I get to do life with.

Four Things For 4 Pointers

1.  I am really excited about our first Partnership Class that we are holding this Sunday.  We have 30 people signed up!  It looks as though we will need to hold one the first Sunday of every month.  It is so awesome to see God moving in the lives of those who attend or visit 4 Points.

2.  We should have a band in place this week or next.

3.  “Under Construction” is winding down and then we kick off our next series “That’s What He Said” which will be about the 7 things Jesus said while dying on the cross to pay for our sins.

4.  We are going to have a great outreach opportunity to the Hispanic community coming up in February so stay tuned to and our facebook page for more information.

If you haven’t done so already, take a second to “Like” us on facebook (

As Pastor Mark would say, “hold on tight, things are going to get crazy!”

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